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Elon Musk Just DESTROYED Mark Zuckerburg!

Both Elon Musk and mark Zuckerberg are now owners of leading social media platforms. However, Elon has destroyed mark by entering the social media industry, but how join me today in this blog, as we explore how Elon Musk is destroying mark Zuckerberg in the social media space, although the Tesla CEO and the Facebook CEO are great tech icons, their long rivalry is.

If there is one thing that the two tech billionaires do not agree on. It's their take on artificial intelligence Musk believes that AI needs to be regulated so that it does not become a menace to humanity. The Tesla founder believes that human beings risk a situation where they are going to make digital, super intelligent beings who are going to be smarter than themselves.

And in that case, the digital super intelligent beings may turn against humanity. On the other hand, the Facebook founder believes AI should not be regulated as the more it advances the better it is for humanity. Nevertheless, both tech gurus are actively involved in the AI race, but with the Tesla owner, maintaining those.

Elon Musk's Tesla is working on an autopilot feature that is set to revolutionize the industry. This new feature will make the Tesla cars to be fully autonomous. Speaking of which apple incorporation is also applying AI in making a fully autonomous ND fully electric vehicle. Tesla is use of AI does not just end with the cars, but it extends to their human robot that is popularly known as the Tesla bot.

You can also refer to it as. It is just mind blowing that the insane Tesla humanoid will have the capacity of interacting and socializing with humans. It is a product that must believes will greatly impact our future. On the other hand, mark Zuckerberg, F B is also actively involved in a mega AI project that is known as metaverse.

This informs the decision of the Facebook CEO of changing the name of the social media platform from Facebook to Metta. If you are a tech enthusiast, you have probably heard of the word metaverse, but if you have heard about it and do not understand, worry, not as I am going to explain it to you in a clear and concise manner in simple terms, Mehta versus the next phase of the internet.

It just sounds interesting that even the internet that we now have will be a thing of the past as we will move into a 3d. With metaverse, it will be possible for us to interact socially in a virtual world. Let us just break this down in the next phase of the internet, we will be interacting in a digital space via avatars, just as it happens in a video game.

So if you want to talk or walk with your friend, both of you will be transported into a virtual world just as you could have interacted in a real. The only thing that you will have to do to experience the metaverse is for both of you to put on headphones that are facilitated by augmented reality and virtual reality.

Musk's misunderstandings with Zuckerberg have come with some great consequences. The Tesla, founder, and CEO, Elon Musk completely destroyed mark. When he deleted his Facebook account back in 2018, the campaign of deleting Facebook accounts was started by WhatsApp. Co-founder Brian. The proponents of the deactivation of Facebook accounts, alleged that the giant social media platform had been involved in data breaches in its investigation.

The information commissioner's office found that Facebook breached data protection laws by failing to keep users personal information. Allowing Cambridge Analytica to harvest the data of up to 87 million people without their consent. Worldwide, Facebook has agreed to pay $640,000 fine to the UK information commissioner's office for its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

The fine was originally issued in October, 2018 as part of the ICO's investigation into the use of social media data for political. The world's richest, man not only deleted his own B account, but also the accounts that were belonging to his companies of space X and Tesla, as if that was not enough Musk also proceeded to delete his Instagram account.

It is interesting. That must ditched IgG, which is a subsidiary company of Facebook. The main reason that made the tech billionaire part ways with Instagram is because the social media platform promotes fake lives, where people post photos of when they are doing well in. But do not post the pictures of when they are not doing well.

This has been established to be a source of stress among many people, as it brings in the idea of comparison, most people will lose their self-esteem when they realize that they are not doing as good as their peers, the Tesla CEO acknowledged that everyone has their own ups and downs in life, regardless of the challenges of their social or financial status.

But Musk has completely destroyed mark Zuckerberg and metas Facebook when he bought. Elon Musk's Twitter is set to give Facebook a run for its money. As soon as Musk bought Twitter, the number of users on the platform increased as seen by his tweet that reads almost every media outlet on earth wrote about me, acquiring Twitter, causing a massive influx of new users.

The number of Twitter users is also expected to increase significantly in the coming days. Most people will be attracted to the American micro-blogging website because of the exciting features that it has set to. This will be a big blow to Zuckerberg. Facebook that has been dominating in the social media space for a long time.

One of the major changes that Elan is going to make on Twitter is to make it comfortable for all people. By making it politically neutral. He revealed this in a tweet that. For Twitter to deserve public trust. It must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right. And the far left equally making Twitter politically neutral will make both the conservatives and the liberals comfortable on the platform before Musk took over Twitter.

Most of the conservatives felt like the micro-blogging site. Favorite, the left-wing politicians. In fact, they alleged that the Twitter algorithms are made in such a way that they promote content of the left-wing politics. A perfect example is the 2020 elections in the U S where the conservatives felt like president Donald Trump, who is just a conservative was discriminated against when his Twitter account was permanently banned.

A Musk also believes that Facebook is equally biased as it also de platform Donald Trump from their site. Twitter is also set to be more secure than Facebook as revealed by Musk in a tweet that reads. Twitter DM should have end-to-end encryption like signal. So no one can spy on or hack your messages.

All social media users would want a site where their security and safety on the site is guaranteed. More often than not. Facebook accounts have been hacked and used to spread propaganda. At times the cyber criminals are so bad to an extent that they can use the hacked account to spread of seen images, which is quite embarrassing.

Twitter's improved. Encryption is good for the social media. What is even more important is that the new Twitter owner has promised that the site will have free speech for a long time. Elon Musk has been a strong advocate of free speech. Free speech means that even his critics will still have the chance of criticizing him in the social media platform that he now owns.

He revealed this in a tweet that reads, I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means. But make no mistake, free speech will not include a barrage of abuses on the microblogging site. After taking over the social media site, the tech icon has clearly defined what free speech means as to avoid any misunderstandings.

Elan said this in a tweet that reads by free speech. I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.

One thing that you can be sure of is that you will have more fun on Twitter than Facebook. The Tesla guru has even encouraged Twitter users to have fun on the social media site via a tweet that reads let's make Twitter maximum fun. If you really want to enjoy your time on social media, then Twitter is the place to be.

The mindblowing improvements that Elon Musk is making on Twitter have totally destroyed mark Zuckerberg and his social media platform of Facebook. MUSC is now the Twitter king. And soon he will be the social media king after completely destroying Zuckerberg. Anyways, guys, if you want to see more interesting videos, click the video right above.


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