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OMG Elon Musk Just Bought Coca-Cola!!

 Tesla billionaire Elon Musk has just bought Coca-Cola a few days after he purchased Twitter for $44 billion. However, the tech icon has shocked many by saying that he will re-introduce cocaine in the soft drink. What is Musk's main objective with Coca-Cola joined me today in this blog, as we explore Elan's reasons for buying Coca-Cola Coca-Cola is the most successful, soft drink brand in the world.

You can be sure to purchase the drink in more than 200 countries across the world. In every country, Coca-Cola uses unique advertising to appeal, to vastly different cultures, but every ad is still unmistakably for Coke. It is actually difficult to think of a country that does not have Coca Cola, even in countries where the Coca-Cola company does not manufacture Coca-Cola.

So countries will import the drink from neighboring country. There are only two countries in the world, Cuba and North Korea that do not sell Coca-Cola. When Musk said that he will reintroduce cocaine in the soft drink, he just opened a big debate on the internet over what exactly are the contents of Coca-Cola the drinks name refers to two of its original ingredients, Coca leaves and Cola nuts, which is a source of caffeine.

The current formula of Coca Cola remains a closely guarded trade secret. Regardless of the formula. What we know is that excessive consumption of Coca-Cola is not very good for your health Musk, made the threat of reintroducing cocaine in the soft drink via a tweet that reads next I'm buying Coca-Cola to put the cocaine back in the Tesla billionaire's tweet, went viral and received over 3.6 million likes in the first 16 hours with Elan's thread.

It is therefore necessary to answer the question does Coca-Cola have. The early recipe for Coca-Cola actually included Coca leaves from which the psychoactive drug cocaine is extracted when Coca Cola was launched, this original recipe was known for treating various ailments as such Eland is right to allude that Coca-Cola had cocaine given that the first bottle of the soft drink that was sold in 1894, it had 3.5 milligrams of the.

However with time, the drug was stigmatized and was prohibited in America. As such cocaine was removed from the Coca-Cola drink. Most people are left. Wondering whether Elon Musk has enough money to buy a Coca Cola, considering that he just bought Twitter for $44 billion. On the 25th of April, he will be surprised to learn that the test of the billionaire is not $44 billion, less rich, even after buying the.

This is simply because it is an investment that he made, which still contributes to his net worth. But for most of us, when we buy products, we become less rich as we mostly buy consumer goods. So even after buying Twitter, Musk is still the richest man on the planet. According to Bloomberg billionaires index on the 28th of April Musk was worth $253 billion and was followed by his rival Amazon's Jeff Bezos who had $162 billion.

This is just a very big range, which makes Elon to be $91 billion richer than Bezos. So even if Musk were still to buy some consumer goods worth $44 billion, he would still be the richest person on earth. The share price of Coca-Cola is higher than the $54 and 20 cents that was offered for Twitter as it stands at $65 and 56 cents.

If the tech icon is to buy a Coca Cola, he would have to receive a loan. As he only has $253 billion while the company is valued at $284 billion. Morgan Stanley is the most likely bank that would come to the financial aid of Musk as it did in the Twitter case. As soon as Elon Musk takes over Coca Cola, he will have the task of competing against other established soft drink brands, such as Pepsi and.

Moreover Coke also faces great competition from alternative drinks that are made directly from fruits for a long time. Coke has heavily been criticized because of the high amount of sugars that are there in the soft drink. The Coca Cola company has responded by coming up with another variety of the drink.

That is sugarless. As I just mentioned, the greatest competitor to Coca-Cola are the natural juices and smoothies that are made from different foods. There is a lot of sensationalism that is going on around the world that discourages people from taking sugar. In fact, most nutritionists have linked to some of the major lifestyle diseases to the high levels of sugar that are in the soft.

Cancer and diabetes are some of the lifestyle diseases that one can manage more effectively when they limit or totally eliminate soft drinks from their diet. In this regard, it is absolutely necessary for Elon and his team to come up with a super plan that will make Coca Cola more marketing. But you can trust that must we'll come up with an excellent plan that will make Coke succeed.

Given his rich experience in running his companies of Tesla and space X today, Tesla motors is the most successful auto company in the world. And the only car manufacturer that has reached a market cap of $1 trillion on its part space, X is also another big success as it has made a lot of contributions to space and rocket technology as a commercial space.

The company is even attracting contracts from NASA and the Pentagon, even in a personal capacity Musk has also achieved great success. He is the first and only billionaire to close the $300 billion mark and will likely be the first trillionaire in 2024. The Tesla CEO is a man of great potential who has what it takes to take Coca-Cola company to the next level of.

Most people are still wondering whether the Coca-Cola takeover will be as complicated as the Twitter one, the test, the billionaire went through a lot before the Twitter board came to accept his offer of $43 billion in early may Musk bought a 9.2% stake in Twitter for $2.9 billion. By the middle of the month, the Tesla owner made an offer of taking the American microblogging site.

Immediately after making the offer, it was rejected by Saudi prince Talal, who is the chairman of kingdom holding company that had a 5.2% stake in Twitter. Musk's offer almost hit a dead end when the Twitter board met and adopted the poison pill plan against him in the plan, Twitter board would have the right to add new shares, should Elon own more than 14.9% stake in the current.

The new sheriffs were meant to be sold at a discount to officer holders except Musk. This method in the end was going to dilute Elan's steak of 9.2% in the company, but Musk still remained unshaken as he even increase the amount from $43 billion to $46.5 billion. The Twitter board was attracted with the new offer as they invited the Tesla billionaire to some negotiations that were conducted in the weekend.

Prior to the 25th of April, when he finally took the company. It is also expected that the tech icon may face a number of challenges as he buys Coca-Cola. The Coca Cola board would not be easy given the remarkable success that the company has achieved in the previous years. Nevertheless, the tech icon will do all it takes to buy the company.

When he means to the tech billionaire will always do what he sets his mind on, regardless of the challenges that are in his way. In fact, one of Elan's quotes perfectly describes his aggressiveness as it. When something is important enough, you do it. Even if the odds are not in your favor. So however complicated the Coca-Cola takeover is Musk is ready for the challenge.

Elan's Twitter fan base has encouraged him to go beyond the purchase of Twitter and Coca Cola. They have suggested that he should go ahead and buy Facebook and YouTube. In fact, one of Yellen's fans has said that he needs to buy Facebook and delete. A suggestion that is sending that Elan should buy McDonald's and fix all the ice machines has caught the attention of the Tesla.

Billionaire. He replied to the post by accepting his limitations as a human being. His tweet reads, listen, I can't do miracles. Okay. It is so true that the tech billionaire does not have all the money to buy as many companies as possible. However, he is prioritizing the companies that make the life of humanity.

By buying Coca Cola must we'll be making his first entry into the food and soft drink industry. It is a move that has caught many by surprise and Elon will always be the king of surprises. 


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