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OMG Elon Musk JUST FINALLY Unveiled First INSANE Light Speed Engine!

 Elon Musk and NASA have a common goal of exploring the universe as they seek to make humans a multi-planetary species, but they face a similar problem of the vast distances that need to be covered. It is near impossible for them to achieve such a milestone with the normal rocket, as it would take thousands of years to travel to other planets in our galaxy and be.

But things are set to change as the space X, CEO and NASA have unveiled an insane Lightspeed engine that could make space travel a reality. Join us today in this blog, as we explore the insane Lightspeed engine that makes it possible to travel to Mars, which is 140 million miles in just 12.5 minutes.

There is every possibility that the space X founder and the American space agency have defied the laws of physics with their insane Lightspeed engine that will be used to propel spacecraft across galaxies. Elon Musk is obsessed with the idea of making human beings, a multi-planetary species so far, his space X company has made some sufficient progress as it is using dragon to, to ferry the American astronauts to the international space.

Prior to 2020, the U S was relying on the Soyuz spacecraft for traveling to the ISS, but the goals of the space, X, CEO, and NASA go beyond the ISS and the moon. They have a goal of traveling to Mars and beyond. In fact, Musk has revealed that he will be landing the first humans on the red planet by 2029.

He also projects that he will establish a self-sustaining city on the red, her neighbor by 2050. It is expected that more than 1 million people would have settled on Mars by 2060, given the current situation, NASA estimates that it would take 21 months to travel from earth to Mars. That is quite a long time, which could pose a great challenge for refusing.

Staying in space for such a time also comes with its own shares of risks. That is why it is absolutely necessary for space X and NASA to come up with a better method of propulsion. And the good news is that they have just unveiled a Lightspeed engine that moves it. 99% of the speed of light. You may probably not understand how fast the speed of light is until you get to know the speed of light, which travels at a rate of 186,000 miles per hour.

With such a speed. It only takes 1.2 seconds to travel from earth to the moon, which is the distance of 238,000 miles. In simple terms, the revolutionary Lightspeed engine will reduce the journey of Mars from 21 months to only 12.5 minutes. David Burns is one of the leading NASA engineers who was working on the Lightspeed engine in a world changing breakthrough in physics, NASA engineer.

David Burns has recently conceptualized. Uh, which can theoretically accelerate to 99% of the speed of light all without using propellant as per international reports. The engine named helical engine reportedly works by exploiting. The way mass can change at relativistic speeds, particularly close to the speed of light in a vacuum in his own words, burn set.

The engine itself would be able to get to 99% of the speed of light. If you had enough time and power, former NASA engineer, Harold White is also conducting research related to the M drive. This so-called impossible engine that generates thrust without the use of propellant by bouncing radio waves around in the metal cone, white and his colleagues utilized an M drive test device.

That was a copper Freston. That was just under a foot. It was tested in a vacuum chamber with microwaves being transmitted to antennas inside the cone, by a device outside the room. Theoretically, how those microwave generate thrust inside the cone is a point of contention. It would be a major advantage to space travel.

If the M driver anything like it worked, we wouldn't have to carry all of our fuel with us, which is a big stumbling block to human space. It could also provide far more thrust than a traditional engine. This means that human journeys to the far reaches of the solar system could be completed in a year or two rather than a decade.

The great thing is that an M drive would open up the door to interplanetary travel. A traditional rocket would take thousands of years to reach our nearest stellar neighbor, which is four light years away will leave a powerful engine. If we want to travel to the store. Elon Musk also seemed to agree that a warp drive is very instrumental for promoting space travel as seen in his tweet that reads.

If we create a city on Mars earth, Mars travel will be a powerful forcing function for inventing something like warp drive. Elon Musk is bringing science fiction closer to the real world. His company space X claims to have developed and successfully tested a propulsion system that defies. The rockets propulsion engine is powered by electrically charged gas and can reach speeds of up to 65 kilometers per second, or 135,000 miles per hour.

The engine is made up of carbon fiber fuel tanks that are super lightweight and include cold gas thrusters. It does not use any form of propellant. Thus, no byproducts are sent into space. Electric thrusters are similar to the engines used in space. X is Falcon nine rockets, but they work in a different way.

Electric thrusters produce a charge plasma that produces ions to propel a vessel forward. Whereas gas thrusters per power, pressurized gas space X is electric engine is said to be more powerful than conventional gridded, ion thrusters. And it might be used to power man trips to Mars and beyond. It could also reduce the time it takes for space freight to reach its destination, because it uses less propellant, which can be costly to launch into.

Ordinary vehicles such as cars and trains are propelled by friction because there are friction between the wheels and the track or road, the train pushes on the track and the car pushes on the road. A rocket in space. On the other hand has nothing to push against. As a result. The driving force must be something other than friction.

The rule of conservation of linear momentum allows the rocket to function or rocket moves in space because the gases are given momentum as they are expelled by the rocket. Consider the rocket resting in space. There is no momentum in the system. Next, the engine ignites as the exhaust gases go in one direction.

The rocket goes in the other to keep the total momentum of the system. Constant. This momentum change of the gasses gives the rocket the push to go forward. Well, we call this push the thrust of the rocket, which is the force exerted on the. We currently measure speed by dividing the distance traveled over time to move at the speed of light or 186,000 miles per second.

You'd have to accelerate past that velocity until your speed reached 186,000 MPS. Then keep it there indefinitely. This velocity is known as C and it was defined by Albert Einstein in his theory of relativity. Although several studies and ideas imply that we may one day be able to approach or even surpass what most people perceive to be Lightspeed.

We have yet to achieve it until recently it was widely assumed that nothing in our current state of technology could even come close to moving at the speed we refer to. Lightspeed, according to some estimations, we are thousands. If not tens of thousands of years away from reaching. That said we are frequently astounded by what science and technology can achieve.

And scientists have now created an engine capable of traveling at a fraction of the speed of light contradicting previously held notions about what is achievable in today's technological capabilities. The development of a high speed engine would allow humans to travel through space considerably more efficiently than previous.

Space X is Raptor. Engine is the engine. They have developed to power their Starship, spaceship and super heavy booster. It is the engine that they hope will take them to Mars. The Raptor engine is innovative to one degree or another in several ways, the most significant difference between the Raptor and any other liquid fueled rocket engine is that it is a full flow staged combustion engine.

The first two have ever. Nevertheless, the insane Lightspeed engine is a perfect solution to the space X Raptor engine, and it will greatly revolutionize space exploration. The unveiling of the Lightspeed engine keeps it alive. NASA's and Elon Musk's mission of making human beings, a multi-planetary species.


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